Unlocking Innovation in Claims Administration with a Configurable Core

As insurers navigate the evolving landscape of claims technology, the opportunity to enhance both customer experiences and operational efficiency has never been more critical. However, integrating these innovations into existing tech stacks demands a robust and adaptable foundation.

Our latest

CLARA x Origami Risk AI Solutions

Seamless integration between CLARA Analytics’ cutting-edge AI solutions and Origami Risk provides game-changing capabilities for improving Workers’ Compensation, General Liability, and Commercial Auto claims outcomes. 

Download our solutions sheet to learn more. 

2024 State of Risk Report | Origami Risk

Each year, the risk environment continues to evolve exponentially, forcing organizations to level up or get left behind. This year was no different. With the expanded use of technologies like artificial intelligence, continuing geopolitical instability, and impacts of climate change, among other

Solution showcase | Dais

Two things on the minds of every insurer and MGA today are customer experience and speed to value. Dais empowers users to quickly and easily bring new products to market using no-code insurance technology. Integrations are painless using the built-in developer tools, API logs, API keys