Product demo: Origami Mobile audits

View our brief product demo on Origami Mobile Audits and discover how to level up as a safety professional.

Origami Mobile's Audits module offers a revolutionary approach to audit processes, featuring configurable forms, seamless data collection, and powerful analytics. Experience the ease of

Product demo: Origami Mobile incidents

View our brief product demo on Origami Mobile's Incident offering to witness how safety professionals can level up with unprecedented accessibility.

Origami Mobile's Incidents module ensures data collection is as easy as it gets — accessible anytime, anywhere, even without Wi-Fi. Discover real

Origami Mobile Solution Sheet

Origami Mobile makes it easy for anyone to collect risk and safety data on the go — at any time, from anywhere.

Download the solution sheet to learn more about how Origami Mobile can help accelerate your safety culture and drive productivity.

RMIS Training Day: Property & Location Data Management

In this 15-minute Solution Showcase, we’ll show you how to simplify management of property and location data — even for the most complex organizational structures.

The right RMIS will enable you to create unlimited location hierarchies and streamline property management, ensure you’re meeting

RMIS Training Day: Values and Exposure Collection

In this 15-minute Solution Showcase, we’ll show you how to collect accurate exposure values for each location on time with the least impact on internal stakeholders and then efficiently provide that data to the broker or insurance carrier.

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