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Each year, RIMS, the risk management society® ️bestows the Ron Judd Heart of RIMS award in recognition of a RIMS member whose volunteer contributions have played a major role in keeping the society vibrant and resilient. This year’s recipient is Julie Bean, Head of Risk Management at Chamberlain Group.

As a follow up to a profile of Julie in the April 2024 RIMS Award edition of Risk Management magazine, we recently had the opportunity to ask Julie more questions about her RIMS involvement, her career journey, the risk management profession, and more.

You have held various leadership roles within the Chicago RIMS chapter over the years. What has been the most rewarding aspect of your involvement, and how has it influenced your professional growth?

Taking on committee chair roles has offered the opportunity to become more confident in my ability to lead a team and delegate tasks, while identifying and helping to develop the strengths of others. As a department of one in my current job, I rely on others to act as extensions of my “team.” These are a combination of risk manager peers, brokers, and other risk/insurance professionals who contribute to the successes I can achieve in my role.

As mentioned in the Risk Management magazine profile, you entered the risk management profession after studying marketing and English and then working in the field of marketing. What advice would you give to individuals just starting their careers or considering a transition into this profession?

I would encourage those new in their careers and just learning about RIMS to get involved. Participate in chapter events, volunteer for committee work, or take on leadership roles. Be the one to raise your hand and say, “I want to step up for this.” You’ll find that the benefits you will get from these experiences will far outweigh your expectations as to how the society will impact your personal and professional lives.

You have had the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with many esteemed professionals in the risk management community. Could you share a particular insight or lesson that has significantly impacted your approach to risk management?

There are continuous ways in which my colleagues help shape my professional risk management career. I would say that one of the biggest challenges for me as a risk manager is to show the value of the profession in the organizations in which I’ve worked. The ability to reach out to colleagues and get their input on how they break down silos in their organizations, how they present renewal results to senior executives, and otherwise demonstrate their value provides me great information that I can use when interacting with my internal stakeholders.

Building and maintaining a strong professional network is often cited as invaluable in the risk management field. How have you leveraged your network throughout your career, and what tips can you offer to those seeking to expand their professional connections?

I believe in the saying that “you get your first job based on your education — all others based on your reputation.” If you show up in your career as a team player, desiring to learn and willing to work with others towards a common goal, it will be noticed. Our RIMS community is made up of a very strong network of individuals very willing to help others move forward. These individuals have helped shape my professional journey in risk management, which in turn has allowed my company to reap the benefits of this collective talent.


Congratulations to Julie Bean, the winner of the 2024 Ron Judd Heart of RIMS Award! Origami Risk is proud to work with Julie and congratulate her on this well-deserved honor.

We encourage you to visit the RIMS website to read more about Julie and other 2024 RIMS award winners. There you’ll also find more information about RIMS awards, applications, and guidelines.

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