VRM Dashboard

Automated risk assessments

Simplify vendor risk assessments using industry-standard SIG (Standardized Information Gathering), SIG Lite, or custom questionnaires.

Connected certificates of insurance (COIs) and contracts

Centralize Certificates of Insurance (COIs), contracts, or agreements in one location for a complete view of each vendor.


Elevated dashboards and reporting

User-configured dashboards and reports provide real-time views of a vendor’s risk posture and overall state of the vendor risk management program.


External risk content and scoring

Leverage integration with external risk content and scoring for cybersecurity and financial ratings to validate risk assessments and to flag potential vulnerabilities with key vendors.


Automated workflow and notification management

Highly-configurable workflows automate vendor risk management activities including notifications of assessments, reviews, and action plan management.


Ready-made board presentations

Save time and easily communicate vendor risk management information to stakeholders. Board and management presentation slides that leverage key data are automatically generated.


Related resources

Blog Post

ERM – Rethinking the vendor risk management process

Read the article
On-Demand Webinar

Solution Showcase | Vendor Risk Management: Going Beyond COI Tracking

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Solution Sheet

Fleet Management Solution Sheet

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